The move here to Palm Springs has been a real blessing. I had quite a large project to conclude after moving here up in Tiburon. It was a redo of an earlier remodel. I took the home from quite traditional to a more transitional look updating the furniture and introducing large blocks of color which became something the industry was moving towards based on the photos that came out later in magazines. I was working on the house simutaneously when we first got here. We added onto the garage, increased Gary’s office, added large closets and in 2018 added my studio and redid the kitchen. I will have some photos in the galleries for you to visually catch up.
Then there were the projects that this new community romanced us to get involved in. “Peek Behind the Hedges” which was an Old Las Palmas project during Modernism week was my first large project in the community which we actually did the project two times over a 4 year period, were able to raise over 100,000.00 overall and were able to distribute funds to the children of Palm Springs as well as other charities. It was wonderful seeing our neighborhood homes, working with many of our neighbors to do a project that could impact those in our community. I also began building bonds with people here that have made this area become a real home.
Also since my first starting this diary I held a studio session with Steven Rudin, a collage artist who you might want to look up, and one with Gianne de Genevraye,, working with water color. Both salons were well attended and well loved. There are some photos in one of the galleries for your enjoyment.
Another concentration has been the Palm Springs Art Museum. Taking trips to focus on Artists studios and their work and generally immersing ourselves in not only eating and drinking but exploring the process of creating art and the individuals that do so. This concentration has given me a chance to meaningfully interact with other citizens of this area creating lasting friendships.
My latest endeavor has been Lampworking. Once I got the studio built I installed a kilm, torch, and have been learning the art of Lampworking. I was able to do one class in Arizona with Heather Sellers and had a visiting teacher come to the studio at the beginning to help me get started. This led into the creation of my necklaces with hand made glass beads and lots of sewing. You can see them in the galleries in the jewelry section.
So now that I am caught up I hope your life is as full and fun as this new one has become for me…. Stay tuned